Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend so you deserve some great stories to get ready for this week:

1. Vincent van Gogh never got any shares or likes. Not because Facebook & Co didn´t exist around 1880. No, van Gogh was not interested in popularity. He didn´t strive for applause or fame. He was only interested in his work. Video essayist Adam Westbrook reminds us all with his latest well crafted film about Vincent van Gogh what creativity really is: hard work. Watch it before your next brainstorming.

2. Want some Swedish wisdom? There is always some mystery around Swedish creativity, right? Why are there so many big ideas in this small country? Well, some of them the Swedish creative are smarter than the rest of us. Let´s take Jesper Åström, who cracked the code of Viral videos. In his opinion it´s all about “the story behind the story”. Read his blog post from 2014 – still relevant how to get a video going.

3. Have you ever gotten a Client Briefing for a corporate or brand story which was precise on it´s desired emotions? We and our clients spend so much time and efforts in defining key messages, insights, benefits, USPs and and and. But we very often miss the point that emotions are the driver of a story – and are the key to success for videos online. Don´t you think? That´s what´s the blog post "Straight to Heart" is about

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