Garr Reynolds is a great presenter and storyteller. Literally. Here are some of his best tips – but read them all in his book Naked Presenter (Don´t worry .. presenting naked is not on this list):

  • Plot comes first! Before you start to think about your whole presentation have a clear overview on the core of your speech.
  • Always focus on your audience. Know how will be in the audience and customize your speech to this group.
  • Have a solid structure. Don´t make it too complicated. Think about the storystructure by Aristotle or Gustav Freytag and build your speech around it. (Or take Nancy Duarte´s tips for a great speech to your heart and build in your individual rhythm)
  • Don´t forget your message! Story is good, but your message is why you do this speech. Don´t forget to make clear what your want your audience to be aware of.
  • Think big, but tell small, short and focused. You have something to say. But don´t run over your audience with all your wisdom. Help them to follow you.
  • Hook them early. Why should your audience listen? Proof your value right away.
  • Show a clear conflict. Conflict is the core of every great story – and people love to listen to conflicts if its told well.
  • Demonstrate a clear change. Your audience wants to learn how the conflict is solved. Want to see the facts and emotions. Keep Pixar director Andrew Stanton´s word in mind: “Make me care. Please – emotionally, intellectually – just make me care.”
  • Show or do something unexpected. There is so much powerpoint, so many speeches, so many presentations. People are bored about so many talks. Be special. Deliver something new.
  • Be authentic. Be you. It´s your speech. Feel comfortable with whatever you do.

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