Hey y’all,

Let´s get some things straight this week. Here is some “food for thought” to start February:

1. The Danish journalist Ulrik Haagerup is provoking traditional jourmalism with his latest book “Constructive Journalism”. Haagerup scrutinises the fact that journalists have to have a negative attitude toward everything and everyone. Is the advise of former editor Harold Evans from The Sunday Times London helpful: “Before interviewing a politician always ask: Why is this bastard lying to me?” or is this kind of journalism in the end cynical and destructive? Find out more on Haagerups page.

2. You wonder what´s the most popular TED-Talk ever? It´s one of the most funniest talks. It´s one of the most memorable talks. It´s one of the most entertaining talks. It’s a talk about creativity. A talk about kids. A talk about education. You may have seen it alreadsy. It´s Ken Robinson´s TED Talk: Do schools kill creativity? One out of many learnings in this talk: “If you are not prepared to be wrong, you are not prepared to be creative.” There are so many learnings in this talk (e.g. Shakespeare must have English lessons when he was a child, don´t you think?). Learn more and watch it. By the way Robinson is a fantastic storyteller.

3. What the hell do you mean by … Storytelling? There are thousands of definitions around storytelling. You better be clear about your definition before talking to others. Here are 5 defintions.

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